13 research outputs found

    Building Pro-Social Behavior in Nursery Student

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan cara menumbuhkan perilaku sosial pada anak sekolah di Taman kanak-kanak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permainan luar dan dalam dapat membentuk perilaku sosial siswa mulai dari siswa akan memahami keterbatasan alat permainan sehingga rela untuk mengantri, siswa juga bisa bekerjasama dan menjalin interaksi sosial melalui permainan. Temuan lain yaitu untuk menjalin interaksi sosial maka guru mengatur posisi tempat duduk siswa membentuk huruf U sehingga interaksi guru dan siswa serta antar siswa bisa dilakukan. Kemudian, dalam menjalin hubungan sosial antar siswa maka kerja kelompok diberikan oleh guru sehingga mereka bisa bekerjasama. Disamping itu, market day sebagai salah satu cara yang dapat membentuk nilai-nilai sosial pada siswa mulai dari negosiasi sosial, komunikasi, interaksi sosial, dan kepedulian sosial. Bahkan sebagai cara untuk membentuk jiwa entrepreneurship semenjak usia dini. Temuan terakhir yaitu siswa diajrkan untuk hidup harus saling tolong menolong dan saling berbagi. Caranya yaitu guru memotivasi siswa untuk memberikan makanan yang mereka bawa dari rumah ketika ada teman yang lain yang tidak membawa. Siswa ada yang membawakan untuk teman dan guru sehingga diharapkan dapat membentuk perilaku sosial yang baik. Agama juga diajarkan untuk mengatur perilaku sosial anak sehingga anak-anak baik secara sosial dana agam

    The information system project profiles among universities in Indonesia

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    Information system (IS) utilizations may have been one of the determinant factors for the survival requirement of the higher education sector in Indonesia. Despite the IS projects have been conducted since the 1980s in this country, but many studies indicated that success of the projects seems like in the low level. This survey study was purposed to know the status of the IS project success among universities by involving the internal stakeholders. The higher education database of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (MRTHE) and the Association of Computing and Informatics Institutions Indonesia (ASCII-I) in the year 2015 were used for selecting around 1.230 respondents based on a purposive random sampling. The blended questionnaires were then distributed with almost 298 (±24%) responses. This paper presents five project profiles, including the aim, IS strategic plan availability, internal team involvement, budget allocation, and the success level of the projects

    E-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries: evidence from Indonesia

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    This study aims to provide an overview of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries and, in particular, the extent of the adoption of e-commerce by Indonesian SMEs. It identifies the e-commerce benefits realized by these SMEs and investigates the relationship between the levels of e-commerce adoption and the benefits thus realized. The study was motivated by the limited studies related to e-commerce adoption by SMEs, especially in developing countries. In addition, it seems that most e-commerce studies are focused more on upstream issues: to see the factors that facilitate, or barriers faced regarding e-commerce adoption, rather than downstream issues: to see post-adoption benefits. This certainly limits our understanding about e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries, as well as the post-adoption benefits of e-commerce. Indonesia was chosen as the place in which to conduct the study. A survey of 292 SMEs shows that the majority of them are still at an early stage in their adoption of e-commerce. Their use of e-commerce is dominated by marketing and purchasing and procurement activities. “Extending market reach”, “increased sales”, “improved external communication”, “improved company image”, “improved speed of processing”, and “increased employee productivity” are reported as the top six e-commerce benefits perceived by these SMEs. This study also shows that SMEs at the higher level of e-commerce adoption experience greater e-commerce benefits than those at other levels of adoption

    Pemanfaatan Media Canva Dan Aplikasi Quizizz Pada Pembelajaran Teks Fabel Peserta Didik SMP

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    The use of technology in the learning process is an effort to encourage renewal so that the learning process becomes more effective. Utilization of technology in learning can be used in learning media. One of the uses of learning media that uses digital technology is the use of Canva and Quizizz applications. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of learning media assisted by the Canva and Quizizz applications in learning fable texts for junior high school students. The Canva application is a web-based platform that can be used to create various attractive designs. The material for the learning video will be using Canva's design, namely fable text. Meanwhile, Quizizz is a web tool to create interactive quiz games that are used as test assessment tools. The use of Quizizz is expected to make it easier for teachers to carry out assessment tests. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. Based on the research results, Canva and Quizizz applications can be used as online learning media. The use of these two applications makes the learning process not boring, because there are features, templates, designs that can be used to make digital learning media interesting. The use of Canva and the quizizz application is expected to be an alternative for teachers in improving the learning of fable texts for junior high school students

    Building Pro-Social Behavior in Nursery Student

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan cara menumbuhkan perilaku sosial pada anak sekolah di Taman kanak-kanak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permainan luar dan dalam dapat membentuk perilaku sosial siswa mulai dari siswa akan memahami keterbatasan alat permainan sehingga rela untuk mengantri, siswa juga bisa bekerjasama dan menjalin interaksi sosial melalui permainan. Temuan lain yaitu untuk menjalin interaksi sosial maka guru mengatur posisi tempat duduk siswa membentuk huruf U sehingga interaksi guru dan siswa serta antar siswa bisa dilakukan. Kemudian, dalam menjalin hubungan sosial antar siswa maka kerja kelompok diberikan oleh guru sehingga mereka bisa bekerjasama. Disamping itu, market day sebagai salah satu cara yang dapat membentuk nilai-nilai sosial pada siswa mulai dari negosiasi sosial, komunikasi, interaksi sosial, dan kepedulian sosial. Bahkan sebagai cara untuk membentuk jiwa entrepreneurship semenjak usia dini. Temuan terakhir yaitu siswa diajrkan untuk hidup harus saling tolong menolong dan saling berbagi. Caranya yaitu guru memotivasi siswa untuk memberikan makanan yang mereka bawa dari rumah ketika ada teman yang lain yang tidak membawa. Siswa ada yang membawakan untuk teman dan guru sehingga diharapkan dapat membentuk perilaku sosial yang baik. Agama juga diajarkan untuk mengatur perilaku sosial anak sehingga anak-anak baik secara sosial dana agam

    A cross-country comparison of the adoption of ubiquitous supply chain management

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the adoption of ubiquitous supply chain management system (USCM) in different national contexts: the UK and South Korea. In order to achieve this objective, this paper proposes a research model that consists of factors related to organizational, information technology and environmental aspects. Data were collected in the UK and South Korea to conduct a cross-country comparison analysis. The findings indicate that the major differences between the two countries were found in industry type, USCM adoption type and USCM benefits. Many of the organizational, information technology and environment factors are similar across the two nations. Because there has been little empirical research on this subject, the findings provide valuable insights for both academics and practitioners. Further research is required to examine the application of USCM in the various industrial contexts